Our Team

BAI Yunfeng
Project Manager

BAI YunfengBai Yunfeng is a Project Manager of the “Sino-German Cooperation Project on Electro-Mobility and Climate Protection”. He coordinates the communication and activities with the project partners (including ministries, research institutes, enterprises etc.) and facilitates the governmental dialogues on electro-mobility. His experience covers support programmes for environmental protection and climate change in China, national/local policies on traditional and new energy vehicle, government relations and public affairs.

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Programme Director


Daniel Bongardt is Programme Director of the GIZ’s Sustainable Transport Programme in China. Since 2011 he works on policy development, scenario building and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions in urban mobility, freight transport and electro-mobility in China. Before coming to Beijing, he was senior policy advisor at the GIZ headquarter in Germany. During that time he has developed the GIZ’s transport and climate change agenda and headed a project on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in the transport sector. Daniel started his career as a (senior) researcher at the transport division of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, a major German think tank on sustainable development.

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HU Xiaolian
Sector Manager

HU Xiaolian

Hu Xiaolian is Sector Manager of the Sustainable Transport Team. She is responsible for the cross-project activities and supports the Programme Director in organizational matters and internal management. Previously, she was employed as Chief Assistant of Country Director of the GIZ China.

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Alexander JUNG
Project Manager

Alexander JUNG

Alexander Jung is a Project Manager of the “Sino-German Cooperation Project on Electro-Mobility and Climate Protection” in Beijing. He works on the integration of electric vehicles in sustainable urban transport in China at the GIZ. His experience covers urban transport planning and sustainable mobility concepts with special focus on car-sharing.

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LI Jingzhu
Project Manager

LI Jingzhu

Jingzhu Li is Project Manager of the “Green Logistics and Low Carbon Mobility Management” project. She is focusing on the freight and logistics issue in regard of climate protection. Having worked for the Chinese Research Institute of Highway (RIOH) of Ministry of Transportation and automotive supply industry. Jingzhu’s main experience includes transport and logistics strategy development and supply chain management. Jingzhu holds a master in transport engineering from the Dresden University of Technology.

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Project Manager


Frederik Strompen has been Project Manager in the Electro-Mobility project since August 2014. After graduating from the University of Muenster with an Economics degree, Frederik has been working in the “Urban Transport Sector” for the GIZ in Namibia for four years. Frederik’s main topics and areas of expertise are the environmental impact assessment of electric vehicles and topics related to urban transport policy, such as the integration of electric vehicles in urban mobility.

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WANG Haoping
Project Manager

WANG HaopingDr. Haoping Wang joined the sector team in November 2012 as Project Manager, responsible for the scenario development modules of the Electro-Mobility project as well as the transport component of the Sino-German Climate Change Programme at the GIZ. Having worked for the German Development Bank KfW and at the Tsinghua University, Haoping’s main experience includes low carbon strategy development and climate change financing. Haoping holds a PhD in economics from the Darmstadt University of Technology.

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Project Officer



Xia Yun is Project Officer of the Electro-Mobility Project at the GIZ China and supports administrative procedures. Before, she worked for the National China Highspeed Railway Project and joined the GIZ in the beginning of 2012. Xia Yun graduated from Tianjin Foreign Language University in 2006.

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SUN Shengyang
Project Manager

SUN ShengyangSun Shengyang is Project Manager of the “Transport Demand Management” project in Beijing. He is responsible for the development of transport emission model and measuring emission reductions under proposed TDM measures. He was employed in an international consulting firm and at the research institute in University. His experience covers travel demand modelling, integrated land use and transport model, urban transport planning and transit planning.

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ZHAO Yanling
Project Officer

ZHAO Yanling


Zhao Yanling is Project Officer of the GIZ’s “Green Logistics” project. She supports the project team in organising events and conferences, as well as managing administrative procedures concerning the project. Yanling studied Business Administration at RWTH Aachen University.

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